And today was one of those days ... from sun-up to sun-down.
It started when I awoke feeling more refreshed, energized, invigorated, and mentally sharp than I've felt in a long time. I simply felt, well, good.
Then I stepped on the scale. 181.4. Wow. Welcome to 1983 Don.
Then I logged into both Jellie tanks and began working on deciphering the daily market puzzle, beginning with a few tight overnight trades, before prepping the teams for the day's action. And everyone sensed a distinct spring in my step. Yes, it was that noticeable.
From then it was onto the daily ritual of avoiding market landmines, while searching for what we call PJOs (Prime Jellie Opportunities), where we could lean into a few high-probability trades. And after playing rope-a-dope with the market during its early gyrations and attempt at a day-long bear trend, we recognized the changing patterns that resulted in alternating bear and bull traps, and I was as proud of both teams today as I've ever been as they did extremely well to not only avoid the traps, but anticipate and profit from them. And my own trade executions? Well suffice it to say they were sharp and crisp, including sizing effectively on the trade of the day as the final trapped bears gave it up in the early afternoon.
Of course the day ended with my presenting the American Diabetes Association with the $11K initial check reflecting 15% of the Jellie Study Series Webinars "pre-formal launch" proceeds. And during the evening's dinner, Executive Director Chris Boynton and I exchanged stories about everything from the concept of the Jellies to incredible advances that are being made daily in the ongoing fight to cure diabetes. And as Chris reminded me, insulin is not a cure. Call it a good end to a good day.

All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not in control of my life. For if I had to choose my own path, the 15-month run would have continued full-steam while I continued to eat and stress my way into a possible early grave, all while forty traders would continue to spin their wheels in various corners of the world.
Instead, a Greater Force shoved me on a different interim path not of my own choosing. The result? I've lost twenty pounds, gained 40 teammates with whom I'd trust my life, injected new life into my own trading, and based on feedback from Study Series participants and some of the Jellie brokers, have apparently made more than decent inroads in the one part of this industry of which I've long been extremely critical -- trader education from people who can back up their words with actions on a moment-by-moment basis. Oh, and a charity doing a great deal of good in this world just received a $11K infusion.
And so with tonight's presentation at the Barnstable Tavern, I sense the circle of the last two crazy years has been completed.
As I said, I'm glad I'm not in control of my life.
I guess I'm a jellyfish in the truest sense of the word.
And as I told the teams today, I have a feeling we've still just scratched the surface.
We can do even better.