Some tidbits for a Monday:
"Blue Wall" Follow-Up - Apparently, Sunday's "Blue Wall" post struck a huge chord that seems to still be echoing across some sectors of the 'Net today, with several long-term followers that truly "get" this business emailing that it was among the best ever. Jimmy V, we'll never forget your words as you look down on us.
And in response to those who have asked, part of it indeed reflected a long-overdue Andy Shepherd-like approach (from my wife's favorite movie, The American President) to one particular "Bob Rumson" corner of this industry that has been calling the blue wall red for some time, in the form of distorted statistics and posts, along with personal attacks and simply spewing outright lies.
I could go on and stoop to their level by responding to each one of their myths, but won't waste the virtual ink and would rather focus time on trying to build up people with facts -- as we're currently doing with the expanded Jellie team -- vs. tearing folks down with lies.
However, I will let Andy speak for me, as you imagine substituting the word "Trading" for "America", "Trader" for "President", "Merc" for "ACLU", and "Chat sites" for "Bob Rumson" ... with particular emphasis on the 0:22-0:48, 2:08-3:10, and especially the 4:45-5:16 marks of the speech. Call it must-see TV.
Yes sir, it's indeed all about character, and their 15 minutes are up.
ADA Update - On Wednesday evening, I'll be presenting Chris Boynton, Executive Director for the New England Chapter of the American Diabetes Association with an initial check that is now closing in on $11,000. Thanks again to all participating, and I'll provide a further update after the check presentation.
Another Blog Post Syndication - Thanks to Tim Bourquin and for choosing to syndicate portions of my recent post on "Mistakes" on today's site. I think that's about the fifth time in recent memory that a blog post has been distributed throughout the industry, including January's Jazz Trader post and February's Svithjod Rock post that appeared on the inside cover of this year's International Traders Expo in New York.
And if you missed Sunday's post, I encourage you to have at it again, while letting the words of Jimmy V resonate loud and clear.
And never forget ... no matter what some may try to convince you, the wall will always be blue.