Thursday, January 1, 2009

Special Post - Blog FAQ & Comments Guidelines

Due to the continued growth of blog interest, here's a reminder of the blog's intent and guidelines for submitting comments:

What It Is:

- First and foremost, a personal historical journal (diary) and motivational tool;

- A therapeutic forum for me to share my thoughts and opinions or otherwise vent (usually to myself);

- A forum for interested onlookers to participate in the dialogue by submitting comments (see Comments guidelines below).

What It Isn't:

- A commercial site, including a platform for referencing, advertising, or selling services;

- A "Gee, Look How Swell Don Miller Is" site (there's not enough space on the Internet to list my weaknesses);

- A site that in any way suggests anyone to engage in trading or other activities I may pursue;

- A site recommending any particular trading method or style.

Comments Guidelines:

I encourage all to submit comments in the spirit of strengthening each other and engaging in other constructive dialogue, and will publish all comments -- including those that share opposing views -- under the following guidelines:

- Submitters must be registered. The blog "switch" for posting of anonymous comments is off;

- Comments with links (or link requests) to commercial or subscription sites won't be posted;

- Unprofessional, disparaging, or threatening comments won't be posted.

Please note posters violating these guidelines will be prevented from posting in the future.

Bottom line is it's a personal journal currently open to interested "onlookers". Those looking for something else are always welcome to "change the channel".

