Well, a funny thing happened during these past three months of intense Jellie team training efforts which concluded today. I found myself.
For after months of wrangling with a loss of motivation, enthusiasm, and at times sub par performance after a mind-blowing 15-month run, somewhere amidst the recent 500+ hours of non-stop focus on people other than myself -- including 40 Jellies and the American Diabetes Association -- a personal evolution and restoration took place.
Oh, it wasn't immediate. Is it ever? In fact, like my recent 25 pound weight loss, I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened. Yet I can in part point to two conversations I had last week, where two astute Jellies observed a hitch in my own swing that I hadn't quite been fully aware of. And such seemed to result in finding the final missing piece to my own puzzle -- which to that point had seemed almost complete -- and which in turn helped me recapture my seven-figure performance pace.
Imagine that.
In the process of helping others, the favor was returned in a most unexpected way.
And perhaps equally ironic is that the final puzzle piece was found when I simply stopped looking for it.
What an amazing gift.
What an amazing journey.
... which continues on Monday.