Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Notes - My Six Figure Day

As some know, one of my goals this year was a six-figure day.

Well, today was it. 

Not in a trading sense, but in a financial sense as we learned this morning that Chelsea has been offered a two-thirds academic scholarship to Tufts University.

As they say, a penny saved is a penny earned, and from a financial perspective, the bottom line is all that matters.

It's huge.

And lifts a burden off our collective shoulders.

As I mentioned last night, I was prepared to pay the full amount.

Isn't it funny how the Master plan is often to see what you're WILLING to do, before the gift of grace shines its radiant light??

So it will be a weekend of celebrating, followed by 100% focus on trading beginning on Monday.

P.S. Oh, and we of course had the classic MATD trading day today.  Does life get better than this??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Chelsea!

Exiting times are lying in front of your life - sure it's a privilege but not a duty at all - have a lot of fun! This happens only once in your life. Enjoy and all the best.
