And so it was back to work today to continue yesterday's late-day momentum and trade the infamous "morning after trend day" which is what this trader did to clock in a tidy +$8K on only 928 contracts on a couple of high % oscillation sequences.
And with that, I called it an early day to get ready to head to Boston for Game 7 of the Bruins-Hurricanes series tonight. Yup, corporate suite again. But like last year's Sox-Rays game, it's expected to be a late night so will probably take it slow Friday A.M. (And I'm not leaving early this time, no matter the score.)
Hello Don,
May I ask what time you took your first sequence
in the cash session?
Thanks as always,
A proud Pittsburgh native.
Just curious, but what do you consider a trend day? Yesterday was a good size down day but action during the day didn't seem too trendy.
Thanks, love the journey.
Sev -
Already put the day behind me, and don't particularly prefer looking back for psychological reasons that I'm sure you can understand.
I believe most of my early sequences were shorts though on upticks as I don't recall any longs as we didn't break low enough for my liking (below yesterday's range).
Looks like Pittsburgh - Carolina in the semis. Bruins couldn't close the deal in Game 7 overtime. Great game, tough loss ... felt like trading.
Steve -
Good question and I actually thought about mentioning that the trend was arguable as I did a few weeks back in a similar situation, yet the fact that it couldn't fight through upticks late in the day was good enough for me to feel there would be a high % chop in the early going today.
Hi Don! New to site, great stuff, thank you. I have been day-trading the ES about 5 mos now, and have yet to become consistently profitable. I am an Investools PHD grad, good at Tech Analysis, studied TradingAddicts.com early on, then EminiAddict.com and Firstwave (David Elliott). All have provided valuable input but I have yet to construct a consistently profitable system. I would like to execute maybe 3 to 15 (max) trades per day. Is there any way I could learn your methods/system? My goal is not to become wealthy (been there, done that), but rather fund multiple charities, one in particular that is in dire need right now and I really want to help (I can show you details on it if interested). Any help is most appreciated. Thank you, gh
Great that you recovered from Wednesday with such a big win.
I have been day trading for 5 months and have yet to be consistently profitable. I am studying different methods and feel like I am close, but I have thought that before.
It is great to read your post to see another going through same struggles yet succeeding.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I notice you keep score in dollars.
I keep score in percent return.
Is there a reason you look at the $ instead of the %?
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Rumpled -
Please refer to the "My views on ROR" post in the key link list in the lower left margin.
I only care about absolute $ for the reasons listed there.
I enjoy your blog and have gained from reading it. What do you mean by high % oscillation sequences?
Hi Craig -
I'm referring to anticipated early oscillating trade movements on the morning after a prior day's trend. It's a topic heavily referenced throughout the blog.
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