Thank you for the informative blog. I have a question and I apologize if you have answered it before, but I have searched your site and have not found a description for how you determine wholesale and retail areas. If you could point to a post or expand on this topic it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Don is an intraday S&P E-Mini Trader and Member of the CME who has educated traders and advocated for industry transparency since 1999. Long-term performance of his privately traded fund ranks among the industry's best at over +800% from its 2004 inception to 2010. His 2008 performance of +214% +$1.6 Million bested the industry's top CTAs.
Education -"The process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another."- Wikipedia
thanks Don!
Thank you for the informative blog. I have a question and I apologize if you have answered it before, but I have searched your site and have not found a description for how you determine wholesale and retail areas. If you could point to a post or expand on this topic it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
kp -
It's sprinkled throughout the diary posts ... there's probably no specific post on it.
It's certainly nothing fancy or a secret ... TICK and/or price extremes, trading trend supports, etc. is pretty much it.
You just have to be on the house side vs. the gambler side.
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