And here's one final stat before I close for Christmas. What started almost six months ago as simply one trader's personal trading diary has now expanded to an extent where it has been read in 75 countries and is averaging 300-500 visits daily. What's even more incredible is that the growth has been primarily due to word of mouth as the only outside influences were very brief mentions in Dr. Brett's site and the recent TradingMarkets.com interview, and I refuse to actively market it.
And while I don't know what 2009 will yet bring in terms of blog changes and my personal trading pursuit (still mulling over options), I remain steadfast that this blog -- in whatever form it takes next year -- will remain completely commercial and hype free. As I've said before, I have nothing to sell, don't need the money, don't want to manage external money, and am not "looking to be discovered" (irrelevant since most in the industry know me anyway.)
Sound like a terrible business plan?? Some would say yes. Yet the results of my own trading since this went live -- with all the personal and external accountability that came with it -- along with comments like Sean's the other night, suggest this has been a win-win far exceeding anything that could have been planned. Add to that new relationships, even if just virtual for now, and all I can say is, "who'd have thunk?"
I've said before that in the end, this blog isn't about me. It's about you.
I'm just trying to stay out of my own way.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
You are the man. I will continue to "look over your shoulder" as long as you care to post your experiences and insights. You are a huge help with my trading and I expect that my results will continue to improve as the result of your inspiration. Congratulations on a great year and thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you and your family!
Merry Xmas Don!
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