And it wasn't wine ... it was a full case of champagne. Umm, shouldn't I be sending you the case?? Congrats again on your victory, and I hope indeed to dine at your castle some day. I'll save some of the champagne for that very occasion.
Second, the time and date have been set for my return to the speaking stage after a self-imposed five-year hiatus to focus on my own trading. The CME Group and MF Global will be sponsoring my appearance at the New York Expo on Monday February 15 at 10:30am, and the topic will be, "Profiting from Intraday S&P Market Inefficiencies". There will be no fee to attend, and you can check out the MoneyShow Expo link for a more detailed description. I'm also thinking about getting some space Sunday night for those interested.
Third, as I mentioned recently, I'm indeed thinking about resurrecting my personal color-coded daily trading scorecard for 2010, and am currently making a few adjustments before re-launching it here. One of the mistakes I may have made in 2009 was abandoning it in the second quarter after a successful experiment in the first part of the year. Hell, you don't mess with -- or remove -- something that's working, and it's likely not a coincidence that the 58-3 Q1 score came at a time when I was self-rating performance daily.
Lastly, please check out Green & Company's latest petition on the Trader Tax effort. I added my signature today.
As I've said recently, let's NOT turn the U.S. trading markets into a ghost town.